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Awards and Recognition

At ECHN, we provide our patients award winning care with state-of-the-art technology and leading medical professionals in a friendly and comforting environment. Manchester Memorial Hospital and Rockville General Hospital have been recognized by state and national agencies for their quality of care from some of the most prominent and respected healthcare organizations in the country.

Patient Safety Excellence

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Manchester Memorial Hospital:
Patient Safety Excellence Award™ from Healthgrades
The award recognizes hospitals scoring in the top 10% in the nation for patient safety, with the lowest occurrences of 14 preventable patient safety events. Manchester Memorial Hospital is one of three hospitals in CT to achieve this recognition and the only hospital in CT to be recognized three years in a row. 



Manchester Memorial Hospital:
Five-Star Recipient from Healthgrades for Treatment of Diabetic Emergencies, Hip Treatment of Respiratory Failure, Treatment of Sepsis, and Total Hip Replacement
Patients treated at hospitals receiving a 5-star rating have a lower risk of mortality and a lower risk of experiencing one or more complications during a hospital stay than if they were treated at hospitals receiving a 1-star rating in that procedure or condition.


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Manchester Memorial Hospital:
A Top Hospital in CT for Critical Care from Healthgrades
Patients treated at hospitals receiving a state ranking for Critical Care have, on average, a 27.1% lower risk of dying than if they were treated in hospitals that were not state ranked for Critical Care.




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Manchester Memorial Hospital:
Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services 3-Star Rating
CMS annually rates more than 4,500 hospitals across the country from one to five stars, with five representing the highest quality rating. The star rating summarizes a variety of measures across the five key areas of quality, including mortality, safety of care, readmission, patient experience and timely and effective care. The overall rating shows how well each hospital performed on an identified set of quality measures compared to other hospitals in the U.S.


Primary Stroke Centers

According to the American Heart Association/American Stroke Association, stroke is currently the number four cause of death and a leading cause of adult disability in the United States. On average, someone suffers a stroke every forty seconds, someone dies of a stroke every four minutes and 795,000 people suffer a new or recurrent stroke each year. Both Manchester Memorial Hospital and Rockville General Hospital have been recognized by The American Heart Association/American Stroke Association and The Joint Commission for our outstanding stroke care services.

Get With The Guidelines® – Stroke Silver Plus Quality Achievement Award

Manchester Memorial Hospital has received the American Heart Association/American Stroke Association’s Get With The Guidelines®– Stroke Silver Plus Quality Achievement Award. The award recognizes our commitment to ensuring stroke patients receive the most appropriate treatment according to nationally recognized, research-based guidelines based on the latest scientific evidence.

Additionally, Manchester Memorial and Rockville General Hospitals have received the American Heart Association/American Stroke Association’s Target: StrokeSM Award. To qualify for this recognition, hospitals must meet quality measures developed to reduce the time between the patient’s arrival at the hospital and treatment with the clot-buster tissue plasminogen activator, or tPA, the only drug approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration to treat ischemic stroke.

The Joint Commission’s Gold Seal of Approval with Advanced Certification for Primary Stroke Centers.

Manchester Memorial Hospital and Rockville General Hospital are both classified as being Primary Stroke Centers by earning The Joint Commission’s Gold Seal of Approval with Advanced Certification. The Gold Seal of Approval® represents a symbol of quality for each respective hospital. Both of our hospitals underwent rigorous onsite reviews in order to meet these requirements. Joint Commission experts evaluated compliance with stroke-related standards and requirements, including program management, the delivery of clinical care and performance improvement.


Best Mammogram Imaging Center

ECHN’s Women’s Center for Wellness has been named one of America’s Best Mammogram Imaging Centers by the Women’s Choice Award®, a trusted referral source for the best in healthcare. The list of 1,605 award winners, including ECHN’s Women’s Center for Wellness, represents imaging centers that carry the Breast Imaging Center of Excellence (BICOE) seal from the American College of Radiology and are accredited for Mammograms (MAP).


Center for Wound Care and Hyperbaric Medicine

ECHN's Center for Wound Healing for received the RestorixHealth Patient Satisfaction Award in 2023. 

RestorixHealth launched its Center Recognition Award for Patient Satisfaction program to recognize wound care centers that have met or achieved a patient satisfaction score of 96% or higher. 


Commission on Cancer Accredited Program

The Commission on Cancer (CoC) is a quality program of the American College of Surgeons (ACS). 

In 2022, Manchester Memorial Hospital’s John A. DeQuattro Cancer Center has proudly earned the Commission on Cancer (CoC) three-year accreditation. Attaining accredited status demonstrates that ECHN’s cancer program at the John A. DeQuattro Cancer Center and Manchester Memorial Hospital has met 34 CoC quality care standards, and maintain levels of excellence in the delivery of comprehensive patient-centered care. 

2014 Top Performer on Key Quality Measures

ECHN is proud that Manchester Memorial Hospital and Rockville General Hospital have both been named a 2014 Top Performer on Key Quality Measures” by the Joint Commission. Out of the 30 Connecticut hospitals, both ECHN hospitals are 2 out of 9 hospitals in Connecticut to achieve this award. In addition, only 1,043 hospitals out of more than 3,300 eligible hospitals in the United States have achieved this distinction based on excellence in accountability measurement performance.

Manchester Memorial Hospital has been recognized for its achievement on Immunization, Heart Failure, Perinatal Care, Pneumonia and Surgical Care accountability measure set(s). Rockville General Hospital has been recognized for its achievement on Immunization, Pneumonia and Surgical Care accountability measure set(s).

In order to be named a Top Performer, a hospital must achieve a cumulative performance of 95 percent or above across all reported accountability measures and have at least one core measure set that had a composite rate of 95 percent or above, and within that measure set, achieve a performance rate of 95 percent or above on all applicable individual accountability measures.

ECHN's Accreditations

Joint Commission
Manchester Memorial Hospital and Rockville General Hospital have earned The Joint Commission’s Gold Seal of Approval for Hospital Accreditation by demonstrating continuous compliance with its performance standards. The Gold Seal of Approval is a symbol of quality that reflects an organization’s commitment to providing safe and effective care. Accreditation from The Joint Commission is a mark of excellence and high quality and safety standards in healthcare.

The Joint Commission is the premier healthcare quality improvement and accrediting body in the nation, and their hospital standards are developed in consultation with healthcare experts and providers, measurement experts, and patients. The standards are supported by scientific literature and expert consensus to help hospitals measure, assess and improve performance.

Lung Cancer Alliance
Manchester Memorial Hospital and Rockville General Hospital have both been named as two Screening Centers of Excellence by the Lung Cancer Alliance (LCA) for its ongoing commitment to responsible lung cancer screening. There are 530 Centers of Excellence across the U.S., of which only nine are located in Connecticut. Low dose CT screening for lung cancer is carried out safely, efficiently and equitably and can save tens of thousands of lives each year.

Additional Awards and Recognitions by Service Line

Cancer Care
ECHN’s comprehensive cancer services, based at Manchester Memorial Hospital, have earned approval by the Commission on Cancer of the American College of Surgeons, a designation given only to those facilities that have committed to providing the best in diagnosis and treatment of cancer.

Our Diabetes Self-Management program has earned official continued recognition by the American Diabetes Association in accordance with the national standards for quality patient education.

The laboratories at Manchester Memorial Hospital and Rockville General Hospital have earned accreditation pursuant to the Clinical Laboratory Improvement Amendments (CLIA) from the U.S. Department of Health’s Human Services. Both laboratories are also accredited by the College of American Pathologists.

Our mammography services at Manchester Memorial Hospital, Rockville General Hospital, and the Women’s Center for Wellness (WCW) are all accredited by the American College of Radiology (ACR) and are approved by the federal Food and Drug Administration (FDA) as certified mammography facilities, both of which are important measures of quality.

Sleep Disorders
The ECHN Sleep Disorders Center at Manchester Memorial Hospital has earned accreditation by the American Academy of Sleep Medicine.