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Community Benefit

Every year, ECHN dedicates millions of dollars and thousands of staff hours to activities that enhance the overall health and wellness of our communities with special focus on the unmet needs of financially disadvantaged and underserved populations.

ECHN’s Community Benefit Efforts

Charity Care
Free or discounted health services provided to persons who cannot afford to pay.

Community Health Improvement Services
Health education lectures, free screenings, support groups and other outreach programs.

Health Professional Education
A clinical setting for undergraduate training and internships with doctors, nurses and other health professionals.

Cash and In-Kind Donations
Monetary support, free use of hospital space, free medical care and equipment donations to numerous not-for-profit community organizations.

Community Building Activities
Collaborative partnerships with community groups, advocacy on behalf of access to health care, and workforce development.

Assessing Your Health Needs

Recently, ECHN conducted a comprehensive Community Health Needs Assessment (CHNA) to identify the areas’ current health care needs. To do this, publicly available data from the U.S. Census Bureau, local and state health departments, and many other community agencies were examined, and residents and community representatives were surveyed.

The knowledge gained by conducting this survey is invaluable. It helps ECHN identify the key health issues facing our community neighbors, enabling us to evaluate our current programs and develop programs that address their specific needs.

Economic Impact Report

Manchester Memorial Hospital, Connecticut Hospital Association

Rockville General Hospital, Connecticut Hospital Association

Community Health Needs Assessments:

2019 Community Health Needs Assessment Report [PDF]

2019 Implementation Plan [PDF]

2016 Manchester Report for Manchester Memorial Hospital [PDF]

2016 Vernon Report for Rockville General Hospital [PDF]

2016 Implementation Strategy [PDF]

Year in Review:

2024 Year in Review Report [PDF]

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