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Survivorship Care Program

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The John A. DeQuattro Cancer Center has received a three year accreditation for meeting quality care standards and maintaining levels of excellence in the delivery of comprehensive patient care.

ECHN’s Meg Berté Owen Survivorship Program promotes activities that reduce the late effects of cancer treatment. It encourages surveillance for recurring cancers and second malignancies, and it addresses the psychosocial needs of patients and their families.

Major areas of interest include assessment and management of:

  • Anxiety and depression
  • Chronic pain
  • Disability
  • Employment
  • Fatigue
  • Fertility
  • Insurability
  • Nutrition
  • Sexuality

Survivorship Support Services

At the John A. DeQuattro Cancer Center we offer cancer support services that play an important role in helping you this journey. We provide the following services:

  • Lunch and Learns - an informal educational session where participants gather over lunch to discuss specific topics related to cancer survivorship. These sessions can cover various beneficial subjects, such as nutrition tips for recovery, mental health strategies, exercise recommendations, and resources for emotional and social support. These events create a supportive environment that encourages sharing experiences and knowledge, building community connections, and empowering individuals to take proactive steps in their healing journeys.
  • Support Groups - The  John A. DeQuattro Cancer Center has a series of support groups that extend beyond clinical care to ensure you, or a loved one has easy access to the help you need. Please call 860.646.1222 ext. 2957 to learn more. We offer:
    • Men's Cancer Support Group
    • Women's Cancer Support Group
    • Caregiver's Support Group
  • Cancer Rehabiliation

Your Personalized Survivorship Care Plan

All participants in our Survivorship Program can request a free Cancer Survivorship Care Plan, a comprehensive summary of your diagnosis, treatment and post-treatment plan between your oncology team, primary care physician and other healthcare professionals. The plan includes:

  • Cancer diagnosis with specific information about the type and stage
  • Cancer treatment information including surgery, chemotherapy and radiation therapy
  • Follow-up care including the recommended schedule for follow-up tests
  • Symptoms to watch for potential late effects of cancer treatment
  • Support resources for patients and physicians

Genetic assessment of patients and their families with a potential for inherited cancer syndromes is also encouraged.

To learn more, contact our Survivorship Navigation Services at 860.533.2957


'Our Journey' Newsletter

'Our Journey' is a publication of the Eastern Connecitcut Cancer Institute. It is a newsletter for Cancer Survivors and their friends and families that covers various events and programs offered by our Survivorship Care Team. 

Read our publications here >